If you get voicemails on your mobile, home, and work phones, you can use Google voicemail to check them all at once.
Turn on Google voicemail for a phone
- On your computer, open Google Voice.
- At the top left, open Menu Legacy Google Voice. Google Voice will look different, but you’re in the right place.
- At the top right, open Settings Settings.
- Click the “Phones” tab.
- Under your forwarding phone, click Activate Google voicemail on this phone.
- Follow the instructions to turn on Google voicemail.
Switch back to your phone’s voicemail
- On your computer, open Google Voice.
- At the top left, open Menu Legacy Google Voice. Google Voice will look different, but you’re in the right place.
- At the top right, open Settings Settings.
- Click the “Phones” tab.
- Under your forwarding phone, click Deactivate Google voicemail on this phone.
- Follow the instructions to turn off Google voicemail.
Note: If you’ve deleted your Google Account and can’t turn off Google voicemail, call your cell phone company. Ask them to remove “conditional call forwarding” from your account.